in a world not unlike our own lay mythos of various forme! unicorn, fairy, angels, dragons, and the like all exist beside human.
they say the horned lion is the gods of this world, but thats not necessarily true; they are merely among the most intelligent and social. their underlings are, however, in fact angels. these are the supposedly and allegedly second most intelligent beings. the drachen and griffons tend to be more recluse than even the unicorns... and may be more influential than them as well, though next to nobody knows this: not even the highly intelligent horned lions and their angels! then come the neutral, miniscule mythos such as fairies. they do nothing but show humans to a different side of the world.
obviously theres more to it than just this,but let this be a sneaky peaky...!
the main focus appear to be on fairies. humans believe THEY are the angels, though theyre anything but. these hyper evolved humans are impish in nature and do more harm than good!
for example, one especially wretched fairy is a cannibal and eats both humans and other fairies. wow!~ that is horrible! shes one of the worst, of course... most are actually pretty "true neutral."
some fairies are more kind hearted and more fond of their ascendents, however...though they have the inherent impulse to be what human may call "morally dubious."
and then theres the fairies who are perfectly neutral...nobody knows what to think about them. they usually are the most bold of fairies.
interestingly enough, humans know next to nothing about these fairies. they call them "angels" and deem them as a good omen, despite how they very much arent. socially and culturally, fairies are behind. humans technologically have advanced their cultures drastically, yet they remain very spiritual religiously. they dont even think about OTHER beings that possibly exist outside of their own, though some people ARE curious and are merely called "cryptozoologists" out of insult.
list of fairies

- - some may describe this fairy as being very, very boring. he is an effeminate fairy that is more "fresh" to this new fairy world. he more often than not cant help but to be kind to everyone. this doesnt mean he doesnt enjoy a good practical joke every now and then! despite his good nature, he does in fact still do naughty things on occasion...
- - this fairy eats people! she is not particularly well liked with the other mythos, as theyre all aware of her impulse and urges to eat other fairies and humans. shes rather disobedient, and cant really be "tamed" by anyone. in the human world she is seen as a friendly neighbour to all, without the awareness that she will more than likely end up eating you raw.
- - by far the most annoying of fairies. this fairy is also known to be the most "humanlike," and usually is of a larger proportion than the other fairies. it has a white, choppy bob-cut, no ears, and hooks going from the corners of its mouth to screws in the back of its head. its skin is more tealish/green than some of the others, and often doesnt shapeshift as much as the other fairies. this one pesters angels a lot, as well as living in the human world as some sort of theatrical performer.
under construction - angels
these uniform beings are messengers for the unicorns. they work closely with unicorns and often times live in abandoned human architectures. they can be best described as living in monastic conditions. they may or may not have "powers," and if they do, they are never used or implemented. they usually only rely on their intelligence and pacifism.

under construction - unicorns

under construction - drachen
the drachen, or dragons, are exactly what youd think they are. they are just dragons. they hold a lot of diversity and are only commonly defined by being the largest and smartest beings alive. they are no larger than a blue whale, and can exist anywhere. like griffons, they also do tend to live in caves, but are not restricted by elevation and can be found both underground and in the heavens. these are more serious mythos than unicorns or griffons, and are stronger in every aspect except socially. most beings arent aware at all that the drachen even exist... they enjoy holding no power, though, and merely just exist in the shadows watching over everyone else like a parental guardian without a voice.
griffons are a matriarchal grouping of bird-folk. they are more reclusive than even the unicorns (but not as reclusive as the drachen!) and also exhibit the same traits as them in regards to their high intelligence and great ability to act childish. they tend to live in caves, usually in higher elevations than most living things. most mythos have never seen let alone encounter a griffon before.
this disgusting life form is the griffons' new responsibility. it is a, well, red fetus that appeared out of seemingly nowhere one day within the griffons territory. griffons, thinking this was a product from a higher being, frantically and urgently brought it to the shelter of their cave. they learned that it cant be touched, but it also needed to be fed substance similar to humming bird food nearly every second it breathed. what the griffons didnt know, is that the red fetus is a failed human science experiment and held no supernatural power whatsoever. funnily enough, though, the griffons in their panic APPOINTED the power to the red fetus. it is now a highly secretive and important political and "religious" symbol. in its evolved form, it goes by the name ba ba boo (shortened version of its full name) and only throws insults to everyone and demands more food. the griffons still hold the red fetus in high regards even in this more selfish state.