wren pearl is the most unnerving and annoying fairy in the species. you can expect a conversation with this beast to result in your ears bleeding and your face to be covered in slobber! you might also be beguiled by it, as well. you never know!!!hell, i never know... I JEST!

this is a wren pearl with chicken wings. it really wanted to have chicken wings.
fun fact: wrens eyepatch is merely cosmetic! it has two clear working eye balls.
wren pearl does not shapeshift often, and when it does it is usually in small amounts, such as just one arm different or small wings, chest size and genitalia, etc. out of all the fairies, this one also has a more distinct and modernized fashion sense. when in disguise, it does NOT get rid of its hook mouth or eyepatch, nor does it add ears. in disguise, it also presents more "feminine" and also guises its eccentricity with "art" and "performance." basically, its popular with pretentious people. nobody even suspects that wren isnt human, despite its grey-green slimey skin and corrupt voice-box, body slightly changing in impossible ways, you name it. humans are smart technologically, but dont care much for supernatural details, nor common sense- which is super odd when you think about how they still hold spiritual beliefs? ill have to get more into THAT set of complexities somewhere else.

this is an example of wren going OVERBOARD with pointless shapeshifting, something it never does.

this is a comparison of the transformation between human and fairy wren. i think its more beautiful as a fairy TBH.
truthfully, not too much has changed about wren during its transformation all things considered. it was still a masochistic, odd person even before. the difference is obviously it embracing those traits as a being with not as many aware and judgey eyes on it. of course, there is always people who dont like it. but it no longer cares about trivial things such as human opinion. it is beyond that now!!! however, it IS still a being derived from humanity, so part of it wants to share with the world. it shares pain, pleasure, and introducing abstract ideas (usually things it asked the angels about...) it almost takes entertainment mentally confusing humans, which it often does with slight body shifting and higher "intelligence."

this is a very small example of what wren wears in its human disguise.

thats all so far for wren pearl...! im sure you want to be friends with it now, haha!